Thursday, November 7, 2013

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How Positivity Affects One's State of Health

Being positive affects how we feel both emotionally and physically, as positivity is a state of being. So with that said, if we are in a positive mode it is bound to affect our physical bodies in a positive matter as well. Stress and anxiety lead the way to a negative state of mind which opens the door to all sorts of health problems. It is a fact that the human body responds to how we think, feel and act.

When we feel stressed or upset our bodies respond by telling us something is wrong. This is called the mind/body connection. Sadness also can cause physical symptoms that go along with that state of being. An example would be feeling sick when we get bad news or our blood pressure rises when we get upset. Our bodies respond to our state of mind in those cases for the worse. Here are some physical symptoms that if one experiences on a regular basis may be telling us our mindset is out of whack (this does not discount the possibility that there could indeed be a physical problem):

1. Back Pain

2. Change in appetite

3. Chest Pain

4. Constipation or Diarrhea

5. Dry Mouth

6. Extreme Tiredness

7. General Aches and Pains

8. Headaches

9. Insomnia or Trouble Sleeping

10. Lightheadedness

11. Palpitation (feeling like your heart is racing)

12. Sexual Problems

13. Shortness of breath

14. Stiff Neck

15. Sweating

16. Upset Stomach

17. Weight Gain or Loss

Of course, if you have any of these problems on an on going basis, you should consult your doctor to make sure there is no serious illness behind the symptoms. Once it is established you are relatively healthy, then you can start to look at your state of mind and if you are in a negative frame of mind. A negative frame of mind can create poor emotional health with physical symptoms as well. It can weaken your immune system, notice that when someone is under stress they are more prone to getting colds, infections or sick. When someone is under stressful conditions they do not tend to take care of themselves as well as they should.

We have all felt kind of down at some point in our lives. So, in the quest of incorporating positivity into your life, you have to look at what the source is that makes you feel down or negative. Sort out your emotions and feels to pinpoint what it is that is actually making you feel that way. This can help you manage those feelings and eventually turn them into positives with consistent management.

Here are some helpful tips you can use to help you when negative feelings start to come up:

1. Expressing your feelings in appropriate ways

- Keeping feelings in that are causing stress, anxiety or sadness can actually make you feel worse both emotionally and physically. It is Okay to tell someone that there is something bothering you. However, if you cannot come to terms with the feelings then you need perhaps someone on a more professional level to help you which is fine too. The main thing is you get the help and support you need to become positive in your life for you.

2. Try and Live a Balanced Life

- Try not to obsess about those things that cause the negative feelings in the first place. For example if it's a work issue, leave it at work when you are home. This does not mean to pretend to be happy when you are not; what it means is to deal with the source of the negative feelings so they are not overwhelming your sense of self and positivity in your life. It's important to address negative feelings but to also keep track of the positive ones as well. Emphasize all those good things you got going while the negative feelings creep in to balance them out. If you have to write them down to keep track of them then do so. Keeping a positive journal to look at when you feel negative is very helpful. Write in it all the things that make you feel both happy and peaceful so when you need to be reminded you can read them. Research has shown that a positive outlook gives way to a better quality of life as well as a health boost. People live longer when they are in a positive mindset. Being positive may also mean that you will need to let go of those things that overwhelm and stress you out in your life also. It's also important to make time for those things you enjoy.

3. Develop Resilience

- Learning to bounce back is very important to have in the positivity equation. It has been found that people who have resilience can cope with life's stresses and problems better than those that don't. They tend to succeed where others can't despite the odds. Learning inner strength and becoming resilient can be learned by incorporating different strategies to help. Keeping a positive attitude even in conflict, accepting change and keeping things in perspective all are strategies in helping to develop resilience.

4. Calm Your Body and Mind

- When our emotions and bodies are in harmony we tend to be positive then. It's important to do things to maintain the body's and mind's state of balance. Relaxation techniques, such as meditation, or guided thoughts help in this regard. Exercising like Yoga or Ti Chi is also good for your mind and body. Whatever it takes for you, in this regard to help calm and keep you balanced, is positive. Stretching and Deep Breathing is also good.

Basically, to be positive means to take care of yourself. Eating healthy, getting enough sleep and rest, exercise and doing things you enjoy all help to curtail negativity.

The health benefits of being positive include:

1. Increasing your life span

2. Lower rate of depression

3. Lower rate of distress

4. Greater resistance to things like colds

5. Better psychological and physical well being

6. Reduce risk of death from cardiovascular disease

7. Better coping skills during hardships and times of stress

Don't forget laughter and humor, it goes a long way on the positivity scale. Besides keeping you young, it also helps with all the health benefits above.

credits: The Power of Positive Thinking

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