Tuesday, November 5, 2013

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The Power of Positive Thinking

Positive thinking is a process by which we create thoughts that are focused and manifested by us to push forth energy out to become reality. When you think of a positive thought you do what is needed to make that thought become your reality; positivity benefits both the self and others in kind. In order to really understand positivity and its effects, we have to understand how the mind works. By getting a grasp on how the unconscious and conscious mind work, together in relation to ourselves, helps show us how to manifest positivity in our lives.

In order to conjure up positive energy within ourselves so we can radiate that positivity outwards, we have to look at how we use our energy as it is expressed through our thoughts mentally and emotionally and how we execute them physically in our lives. All these things involve learning how to maximize our potential of positivity. In essence, positivity is a mental attitude that is at the core of all our thoughts, including words and actions that enable our positive ideas to become reality.

When we have a positive mindset, we can expect no less than a favorable outcome in our lives. When we live in a positive state, we can expect no less than health, joy and a good result in things we want in life. Truth to be told, whatever the mind expects is what it finds. Don't be fooled though, it takes work to be positive especially in a world such as ours today. But the more it is incorporated in our lives the easier it becomes. In fact, many people thing the notion of incorporating positivity into their lives in just a bunch of crap and bull. This is because many people who are down, depressed or in deep trouble are told "Think Positive" by people who themselves really don't believe those words.

All of our feelings, beliefs and knowledge come from our thoughts both consciously and subconsciously. They create our state of mind which manifests in the way we present ourselves to ourselves and the world in kind. When you say "life is the worst", "I wish I was dead" or anything negative, it shows in our behavior and how we move about in the world. It is us, no one else, who controls our minds and how we think. Conditioning is a reinforcement of our mindsets. This is whether we are aware of this fact or not. If we think there is no way out of a hole, whether we dug it or selves or not, we will never get out of the hole. With this said, we can either be negative or positive, enthusiastic or dull, active or passive. It's our choice no one Else's. This is what happens when we hear stories where the odds are stacked against a person and they win. It's possible what makes their story different than yours. It's their mindset.

The biggest factor in whether we get what we want in our lives is how determined our attitude to change things is. It is our attitudes plus feedback from way back, starting with our parents, then friends and society which affect our "self" and how we see ourselves. These things help foster our self image and how we project ourselves in the world as a result.

The other thing that keeps us in a state of being unable to change our mindset is the constant inner conversations we have with ourselves that keep the wrong ideas about ourselves going. We have these conversations with ourselves both subconsciously and consciously like the thoughts that feed our state of consciousness, as well. The first step to positivity is to change the negative conversations we keep having with ourselves which become our attitude. The way this can be done is through what is called the Three C's.

The Three C's are:

1. Commitment

 - Make a conscious commitment to be positive. This means committing yourself to positive things such as learning, family, friends, environment and positive causes. When you give others positive encouragement it feeds your own positivity.

2. Control

  - Control "your" mind. Keep your mind focused on what is important in your life. You can foster this by setting goals and priorities for yourself and sticking to them. Learn to develop strategies to deal with problems. Be honest with yourself and learn to relax.

3. Challenge

 - Have courage in yourself and be courageous in your life. Do your best and don't look back. Seek learning and view change as opportunities not set backs. Consider your options if they fit your goals and dreams. Don't let anyone or anything prevent you from what you want. Try new things. Keep conscious track of your mental and physical health. Be optimistic and do not surround yourself with negative people, things or situations.

Studies have shown that people with the three C's are winners in good times and survivors in the bad. Research has also shown that people who also begin to modify and change their internal conversations with themselves find almost an immediate improvement in their performance and situation. Their energy level changes also with this right away. It is commitment, control and courage that helps a person become their best selves for themselves and then in the world.

The other consideration is the idea of happiness versus inner peace. Are the two the same or are they two different things? Many people confuse the two. They are "not" the same. Case-in-point: one can have a miserable existence but still be at peace in their inner core. This is waht gives them the strength to sustain their miserable existence but hing does not create their happines. You can be suffering at the loss of a loved one whether through death or a break up and still be at peace inside. Inner peace is what allows us to accept the dreadful with resignation to sustain it. Happiness is a transient fix to things that one gets from stuff, position and comfort. Peace on the other hand is a deeply felt internal quality that the material or physical can't define. Inner peace is that part of ourselves deep within us that says "It is so" when life seems to slap us and turn against us.

Another thing that affects our state of being is our view of good and bad. First of all, we don't all think of the same things as being good or bad. One person may find something horrible, yer another will like it. It's personal. So to help find our inner peace, we have to learn to let go of the good or bad notion and say "well it is what it is". You need bad experiences to know what good ones are. Life is about balance that creates harmony which ultimately gives us peace.

Living in a bad moment helps us to understand that we have illusions that we need to let go of to make peace and sense of that bad time. This doesn't mean we tolerate everything by any means. What it means is when we see what we consider bad we have to find what it taught us so we can learn from the experience, if we learned it at all, and then keep moving.

This is what is called letting go. The sum of all the total bad experiences we face in our lives, if we cultivate and keep clinging to them, can devastate you and keep you from moving on in your life, as well as ruining the life you have left. Our minds and bodies were not designed by nature to keep debilitating experiences and feelings stored in our bodies and minds for our whole existence. This is what makes the difference from suffering in one's whole life and being or having a painful experience that you can move on from and still live your life.

Negativity is a form of resistance to that which is Positive. They are in fact polar opposites. Look at a battery. One end is negative and the other is positive. But you need both to get the battery to work for ionized charges to occur. You cannot have the good without the bad is the same idea as negativity and positivity. The difference is the choice you make to decide which charge you choose to be. The best way to let go of negative energy in and out of your life and self is to define where it stems from in the first place.

Negativity can range from irritability, agitation and impatience to fierce, anger, hatred and total despair. You have to get to the source of what triggers the negativity in your life to get rid of it. This can be hard because some negativity is triggered by things we cannot control like certain body pain and people who refuse to go away. This is where mind-over-matter comes in. Once the source is identified whether physical, emotional, mental, or spiritual and you decide not to let it go, you are choosing to keep negativity in your life. This means you do not want a positive change. Easier said than done, it is of course, a process, but to do so is self sabotage.

The first step on the road to positivity is to stay in the now. Surrender to the moment by accepting and staying in the present. We cannot change the past, but we can change how we go into the future.

From the Book of: The Power of Positive Thinking. Ch1. Author: Unknown

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