Wednesday, November 6, 2013

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The Power of Thoughts and the Mind

The average person, as ourselves, processes up to 60,000 separate thoughts a day; 90% of those are subconscious thoughts. Subconscious thoughts are automatic ones thatt are produced by our minds on a subconscious level and continue to be produced without any conscious effort or input from our conscious mind. This means we think about things all day and night long without consciously trying to do so. If you were to think of our mind as a little mini computer these are automatic computer programs that automatically respond to stimuli in our environments.

In this regard, depending on our environments, our life conditions and histories that are stored in our minds, the way our mind is set, determines the condition of the thoughts we have even subconsciously. For example, we may smile and say we are happy, but deep down we are sad because of a horrible childhood. It is the subconscious mind that either stimulates the positive or negative thought patterns that guide us through our lives. With this in mind, if you are pre - programmed subconsciously to be negative then you will function as such. Subconscious negativity can prevent one from evolving, reaching one's goals and constantly bombarding an individual with the idea of road blocks and limitations. These are called success blockers. This is because they prevent you from getting where you want to go in your life.

It is automatic thoughts that prevent you from being successful. They determine your patterns, behaviors and attitudes starting deep in the subconscious and then permeating our conscious state of being.

What happens with subconscious thoughts, actions and behaviors is they get validation from the stimulation in your environment. It is the environment that validates our thoughts from our subconscious and reinforces the negative mindset. A key factor is that it has been scientifically observed that one's "automatic thoughts" are actually triggered by common belief patterns called "schema" within a group of people who share the same challenges and or limitations in their lives.

So, in retrospect, although it is a process to change one's mindset, the first battle in regaining a positive mindset is to eliminate the thoughts that create the negative mindset in the first place. This is done by determining consciously those things whether thoughts or patterns that actually are triggered that block our positive selves on a day-in day-out basis. These are those limiting at negative thoughts, attitudes and behaviors that when we think about we can start to control. This is because we see how they manifest in us and then become a part of our daily thoughts and behaviors. If you don't pinpoint the sources of negativity you cannot change them. It's that simple.

Once identified, the next step in regaining our positive mindsets back is to consciously and actively change those thoughts we have that keep us blocked and in a negative mindset. Changing the negative mindset patterns is called cognitive modification. We change how we think from the subconscious level up. In this case, we replace negative thought patterns consciously with those cognitive patterns that have been shown to give us positive response instead. The way this is done is by reconditioning the old thought patterns we have and replacing them with new ones. If we use the computer analogy, again, we are replacing an old worn out program with a new, better one that functions at optimum speed.

This is not an easy process and it does not occur over night. But by incorporating positive thoughts on a regular basis as you feel the negative ones creeping in you start to change your mindset. The power of our minds is the second strongest thing we have, the first is the power of our spirits which is our wills despite the odds. It is our thoughts that are responsible to everything that happens to us in our daily lives. This means you have to be careful about what you think about. Thoughts and the mind is like a DVD and a DVD Player. The DVD Player is the mind and the thoughts are the DVD we put in it. In essence, what you play on that DVD is what you see and experience. What you think is what you live. If you think hopelessness you will live hopelessness and spread the hopelessness to those who live with you, thus the example of schema ensues. To change negativity you have to eject the Negative DVD and replace it with a Positive one.

Thoughts are a creative process, as are the power of thought. It is indeed possible to train and strengthen our minds. What also happens is when thoughts manifest on the material plane, as in our lives, they also influence those thoughts of others around us. So if you surround yourself with negative thinking people, you in turn will have a negative mindset. Negativity and Positivity are contagious. The mind is a fertile ground and thoughts are seeds. If you plant a seed and nurture it, it grows. If you nurture it with positive water you get a positive plant. If you water it with negativity a negative plant will grow. Thoughts manifest by the attention we give them, be it good or bad. So to manifest positive thoughts, we have to give them the positive attention they need to become manifested.

Thoughts pass through our subconscious first which in turn results in actions that correspond to the thought. Our thoughts also influence how others around us think because they are passed on to other people. A good example is when we ask someone to help us we do not know and they do so. They may say, I do not know why I am helping you, but help anyway. This is a manifestation of the positive. The Universe we live in is a Cosmic mystery. Science tries to come up with logical explanations and sometimes they hit and sometimes they miss. The fact is, we are all part of the power of the Universe. The power of the mind is one of the creative aspects that the Universe has bestowed upon mankind. Our thoughts also work with the great force of the universal mind and its power.

The creating of positive thought is called "practical daydreaming". Practical daydreaming puts us in a positive scenario and sees us getting that positive thing we want in our lives time and again. It sets the tone in our subconscious to program us for us to obtain what we want. This is how someone, who against all odds in their lives, accomplishes something others said, is impossible. The more things one adds to the practical daydream such as colors, sounds, scents and feelings the more real it becomes.

It's important to use practical daydreaming when re-programming our mindset from negative to positive. The more we repeat the positive scenarios in our minds eye, the faster the subconscious begins to take them in as part of our experience. The subconscious doesn't differentiate between reality and imagination. Everything is real in our subconscious. Case-in-point: We all experience times when we know something is about to happen and then it does and we say "I knew that was going to happen". This is how subconscious helps guide thought to manifestation.

The more you visualize positivity and you in the scene, the more it begins to manifest in your life. In this regard, it comes to light and becomes reality in a natural way. It's like putting new software in a computer, and as you use it you see more and more of the benefits it has. I don't want to make you think this is all a peaches and cream experience. Incorporating positivity at the subconscious level does not occur over night and it takes work to make it as such. As much time you put into being positive and incorporating it in your mind is as fast as you will see the effects of positivity in your life.

The process of incorporating positivity and using practical daydreaming can be used for changing or improving any habit ability or skill. You can use it to change your circumstances, and don't be fooled, people who are successful, use it all the time.

credits: The Power of Positive Thinking

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